Tuesday, October 14, 2008


From Carol Petrone....Yamhill County Chairman

In his 1992 biography of pro­fessional radical Saul Alinsky, Let Them Call Me Rebel, Sanford Horwitt wrote: “ Except within certain religious and activist circles, it is not widely known that the [ Catholic] Church’s Campaign for Human Development expends most of its $ 18 million annual budget in grants to community organizing and related grass- roots empower­ment efforts. And many of the CHD largesse are IAF- directed projects. The embrace of Alinsky’s basic ideas by both CHD and in­fluential Catholic bishops has led Charles Curran, a leading Catho­lic theologian, to credit Alinsky with having the most distinctive impact on the American Catholic social justice movement of the last 20 years.”

In 1994, when announcing a yearlong celebration marking the 25th anniversary of the Campaign for Human Development, Bishop James Garland of Marquette said that, over its history, the CHD had collected and disseminated over $ 200 million to help poor people organize.

If Obama should win the White House in November, credit will surely be due the U. S. bishops and their Catholic Campaign for Human Development, which has bankrolled such hard- core abor­tion activists as Heather Booth and the dozens of “ community action” groups and activists she has spawned over the decades.

We wonder what the reactions of the millions of Catholics who over the years have generously contributed to CCHD — presum­ably to help the poor — might be to the bishops if they were hon­estly to admit exactly how they had spent those funds.

( We encourage Wanderer read­ers either to e- mail this story to friends and family, or tell them our web address — thewanderer press.com.)

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