Friday, September 12, 2008

Saul Alinsky + Obama + Dems from Turkish News

Click on above link to see an interesting article published in Turkish News about the Catholic Church in America and its social-justice relationship to Industrial Areas Foundation and presidential candidates Barak Obama.

This feature is about a call for concern, as reported in Turkish News about the political presidential election in the United States and how The Churches in America continues to boost the liberal leftist Democratic Party.

Under a guise of good, IAF has led mainstream America and its faith-based groups into a left-wing mentality a way of life. It promotes abortion, gay marriage, immoral sexism, and feminism. Throughout the world it works closely with the international giant Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions. IAF has zero tolerance of religion except as a financial contributor and supplier of volunteers stemming from organized churches. If IAF tolerates religion at all, it has to be a religion of liberation theology. Its proponents talk about working for the poor, but totally and deliberately ignore the injustice done to the unborn. This would not be so bad if politics were not involved, but politics is at the heart and purpose of IAF. IAF is heavily composed of church-going people and it continues to target unsuspecting voters throughout the country to vote in IAF style. And with Hispanic immigrants growing in numbers in the U.S., IAF influences more voters to vote for the liberal left, which sets itself up in direct contradiction to traditional church doctrine. Currently, IAF is holding Accountability Sessions with political candidates. Candidates are asked only questions of IAF's liking. No questions about abortion!
Why does the Church use its organizational structure and finances to help one political party get ahead, especially one that is anti-life and anti-religion? Presidential candidate Barak Obama learned his leadership ideology from IAF. He debated that an infant born alive from a failed abortion should be left on a table to die. If IAF ideology takes control of the U.S. there will be more pro-abortion legislation that will spread to the rest of the world; there will be growing disrespect for life, more violence, and more condemnation of the precepts of religion. Who is helping whom? No response is necessary, but it would be nice if the Church were to remain autonomous and independant of any political partisanship. The Church seems to have become the foot soldier of Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party.

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